If you have done your fair share of research about running a small business, then you already know that it’s not always flowers and chocolates. There are going to be a hundred setbacks, some expected and some, completely out of the blue. First important thing is to not take it to heart. Setbacks are part of any business, big or small. But foreseeing some of them could go a long way. You could get prepared at least to a small extent. Here are some possible threats that could come in the way of a business.
1. Cyber Threats
One boon that came out of the digital age is increased means to conduct crimes. Cyber crimes have become a major threat to many businesses around the globe. No amount of security could prevent such a thing from happening. Still, one way is to develop cyber security. It’s better to have an expert take care of this because this is not something we can be careless about. To know about the different types of cyber crimes and how to face them click here.

2. Changes in legislation
Sudden unexpected changes in government rules and regulations could hit you like a truck. Some examples are change in taxes, unexpected demonetization etc. There is no one way to protect your business from this. The only thing you can do is to read up and acquire as much knowledge about changing trends and current affairs. This could help us foresee changes to a large extent.
3. Change in Market trends
Sudden changes in trends or preferences of customers could be a threat to the business. And it might not be possible to change up your products and services quickly with the changes in trends. Always stay connected with the customers. Know what they are expecting from the business. Stay up to date with trends as much as possible.
4. New competitors in the market
Another similar business emerging in the market could be a threat to our business. Especially if the competitor is a larger scale business or in close proximity of your business. This could easily drive traffic to the other business. To prevent this from happen, again, it’s important to keep up with the changing trends. If you can deliver exactly what your customer demands, you have nothing to worry about.
5. Natural Disasters
This is another threat that we cannot foresee at all. Natural disasters can happen regardless of what we do. So the only option we have is to insure our business. This cannot prevent losses, but it could cover you for the losses.

6. Other Crimes
Other crimes include theft, fraud, identity theft, scams etc. Always make sure to be one step ahead of scammers. Be aware of the popular scams happening around. Be informed about frauds. The law can take care of issues to a great extent but its always better to be prepared. Prevention is always better than cure.
Setbacks are inevitable when it comes to business. It’s impossible to fully prevent them. All you can do is to be informed and aware of current affairs. This could definitely go a long way.